Swimming with the Dolphins St Augustine

Swimming with the Dolphins St Augustine

Enjoy getting to interact dolphins with this attraction at Marineland Dolphin Adventure in St. Augustine. Experience dolphin behaviors like the hand target, hand shake, and ride on the dolphin's belly.

Meet these fascinating sea creatures and get to bond with them in a unique way. hold onto their pectoral flippers and swim with them on their belly. Play with the dolphins with this fun and safe experience for the whole family.


Free cancellation
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Duration 30 minutes
Check availability to see starting times.


Small group
Limited to 10 participants

Important Information

  • Shake hands with the dolphins
  • Learn important information about dolphins such as their diet and care program
  • Hold onto their pectoral flippers and swim with the dolphins
  • Play and bond with friendly dolphins
  • Entry ticket
  • Instructor


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